'If you can't get hold of me, it's because I'm busy creating something beautiful, for you.'
- Deborah Joan Jones
Singer/Songwriter Artist Actress Poet
Deborah is looking for collaborators! If you are interested in working with her on her new music please get in touch.
Creators, please reach out as she loves to work with new people, influencers, content creators, artists, and more.
Use the Contact button below for consulting services, purchasing artwork, or booking Deborah Joan Jones.
All enquiries are welcome.​​
Multi-Talented Award Winner
Performer, Classically Trained Singer, Recording Artist,
Designer, Comedian, Comic Writer, Model, Artist, Novelist, Guest Speaker, Composer, Lyricist, Voice Over Artist, Screenplay Writer, Actress, Health, Wellness, Beauty & Fitness Writer,
Human Rights Advocate. In 2020 she started the Mental Health Community, Because Sometimes, and has plans to launch her kindness project, Pledge Happiness.
Copyright 2007-2024 Deborah Joan Jones
All Rights Reserved
Poetry from free verse to rhymes and limericks, spanning many genres. Covering existentialism, human relations, love, death, falling down, winning, getting old, and growing up. Ranging from beautiful, sexy, humorous, romantic, silly, motivational, light, inspirational feel-good -- to gritty, dark, ominous, hopeless horror. From rich storytelling through verse, to custom poetry as jingles, or slogans for major promotion campaigns. Deborah Joan Jones is currently completing a novella in verse, a book for adults inspired by the children's books of Dr. Seuss, a fiction novel, and a collection of her poetry. Check out her poem set to her musical setting composition, 'Media Frenzy vs The Last Good Men', on the News page now.
Commissions by request.
Acrylic, oil, or mixed media on canvas and reproduced as giclees or prints. Choose from abstract images such as twinned paintings 'Gilty' & 'Gilty Pleasures' (pictured) to the vibrancy of poster, pop art type nudes as, the 'Goddess' Series.
Commissions upon request via the contact form.
Classically trained vocalist with diverse performances and written songs in jazz, blues, rock, folk, pop, country, and slam poetry. A prolific songwriter, Deborah Joan Jones has written thousands of songs, worked with multi-platinum award-winning producers, and made a major contribution as lead songwriter to a Grammy award-winning song, launching a major artist and selling more than 17 million copies worldwide.
British Music Magazine, Classic Rock, said of her rock project, Stealing Wishes, -- "The music they create together -
melody-drenched, aching
melodic rock - is so irresistible.".
Deborah Joan Jones is back in the studio recording. Look out for her new material next year.
The exquisitely bright and daring original artwork of Deborah Joan Jones, lends itself beautifully to an endless array of products, in printed design. Collaborations/commissions by request.